You've probably heard this before:

"We can help you save on your electricity."

We say that too, but we use a different approach, that in most cases, will save you a lot more than others can.

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How we’re different:

You may have some experience with energy brokers. If not, their job is to find you the best suppliers and contract terms that will save you money and reduce your risk.

Here's something you might not know: when energy brokers just shop for the lowest available option, that does not necessarily mean savings for you.

We know this, because our founder - Shira Parnes worked for an energy broker where she saw that.

After she discovered that this misses the mark, Shira left that job and started her own company - VETAL, because she realized that when she could understand a business and their energy needs, and use a comprehensive, data-informed strategy, she could usually save them a lot on their energy expenses.

She realized that the only way to assure they were saving money was by being their outsourced energy department.

So, what's different about VETAL?

We are your energy advisers, not simply brokers. We understand and consider all the variables to engineer a strategy that's designed for the complexity of the market.

In other words, our strategy will help you get the best out of the market, regardless of what the market does. We design it in a way that will give you the best chance of savings and keeping your costs as low as possible.

We believe in empowering you to make informed decisions so you have the result you are looking for and can actually save money.

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See the difference for yourself

Don't take our word for it. Let us show you how our different approach can help save you more on your energy.

We'll spend some time with you to get to know your company and your full energy picture, to see if there’s a fit. Click the button below to set up a time with us.
